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Local Plan Examination

LDP Examination - Part 1 Extra Work Tasks

Matter 3 and 4 - Confirmation of SELEP funding

Matter 2 - 2012 DCLG Household Projections

Below are the comments submitted to the Inspector on the documents and tasks he requested at the hearings (see the Extra Work Tasks document). They are purely for information and the Inspector is not requesting any further comments or replies on them. Any further such comments or replies will be treated as unsolicited and may not be accepted by the Inspector (please see paragraph 4.31 of the Inspectorate's 'Procedural Practice').

Matter 2 - Legal Compliance

The Inspector has asked the Council to respond to his additional query on the Sustainability Appraisal of the Maldon District Local Development Plan. All participants are invited to comment on the two new court cases outlined in the Inspector's letter.

Below are the comments submitted to the Inspector on the documents and tasks he requested at the hearings (see the Extra Work Tasks document). They are purely for information and the Inspector is not requesting any further comments or replies on them. Any such further comments or replies will be treated as unsolicited and may not be accepted by the Inspector (please see paragraph 4.31 of the Inspectorate's 'Procedural Practice').

paragraph 4.31 of the Inspectorate's 'Procedural Practice').

Matter 2 - Barton Willmore SHMA

Below are the comments submitted to the Inspector on the documents and tasks he requested at the hearings (see the Extra Work Tasks document). They are purely for information and the Inspector is not requesting any further comments or replies on them. Any such further comments or replies will be treated as unsolicited and may not be accepted by the Inspector (please see paragraph 4.31 of the Inspectorate's 'Procedural Practice').

Matter 8 - Viability Statement

Below are the comments submitted to the Inspector on the documents and tasks he requested at the hearings (see the Extra Work Tasks document). They are purely for information and the Inspector is not requesting any further comments or replies on them. Any such further comments or replies will be treated as unsolicited and may not be accepted by the Inspector (please see paragraph 4.31 of the Inspectorate's 'Procedural Practice').

Matter 5 - Primary Education Capacity

Below are the comments submitted to the Inspector on the documents and tasks he requested at the hearings (see the Extra Work Tasks document). They are purely for information and the Inspector is not requesting any further comments or replies on them. Any such further comments or replies will be treated as unsolicited and may not be accepted by the Inspector (please see paragraph 4.31 of the Inspectorate's 'Procedural Practice').

The Inspector notes that the following additional paper confirms that Burnham-on-Crouch Primary School has a capacity of 390 places and not 417 as previously indicated. The Inspector invited both Essex County Council and Pigeon Land (Evolution) to respond to the Headteacher's letter.

Matter 9 - Modifications to Policy H6

  • Maldon District Council LDP - Further Modifications to Policy H6

Below are the comments submitted to the Inspector on the documents and tasks he requested at the hearings (see the Extra Work Tasks document). They are purely for information and the Inspector is not requesting any further comments or replies on them. Any such further comments or replies will be treated as unsolicited and may not be accepted by the Inspector (please see paragraph 4.31 of the Inspectorate's 'Procedural Practice').

Matter 9 - Inspector's additional query on Policy H6

The Inspector has asked the Council to respond to his additional queries regarding Policy H6 on Gypsies and Travellers. Participants are invited to comment on the second part of the query, regarding the Court Case.

Overrun Session - Little Baddow Parish Council Submission

Below are the comments submitted to the Inspector on the documents and tasks he requested at the hearings (see the Extra Work Tasks document). They are purely for information and the Inspector is not requesting any further comments or replies on them. Any such further comments or replies will be treated as unsolicited and may not be accepted by the Inspector (please see paragraph 4.31 of the Inspectorate's 'Procedural Practice').

Matter 6 - Further modifications to Policy S2

Below are the comments submitted to the Inspector on the documents and tasks he requested at the hearings (see the Extra Work Tasks document). They are purely for information and the Inspector is not requesting any further comments or replies on them. Any such further comments of replies will be treated as unsolicited and may not be accepted by the Inspector (please see paragraph 4.31 of the Inspectorate's 'Procedural Practice').

Statement of Common Ground