Fair processing statement
It is important that you are aware that the Council is currently taking part in the Audit Commission's National Fraud Initiative, which means it will share information you provide or have provided with the Audit Commission for the purposes of the detection of fraud. Please read our Fair Processing Statement for more information.
- Animal boarding licence
- Camp site licence
- Caravan and camping site licence for holiday use
- Club premises certificate (for alcohol and regulated entertainment)
- Cooling tower and evaporative condenser notification
- Dangerous wild animals
- Dog breeding licence
- Environmental permits
- Gambling licence and permit
- Food premises registration and approval
Licensing (continued)
- House to house collections permit
- Houses in multiple occupation (HMO) licence
- Hypnotism permit
- Lottery licences
- Personal licences - designated premises supervisor (DPS)
- Pet shop licence
- Premises licence (for alcohol, regulated entertainment and late night refreshment)
- Premises and club premises certificates (variations and minor variations)